Thursday, October 27, 2005


Welcome to Orange and Black. the blog of Batesville, Arkanasas' Class of 1985. This is a site we will use to keep in contact with everyone about what's happening with our class. Click on the "Keeping in Touch" links to find out more about what is happening with Batesville folks. If I can figure out how to do it, I will try to send notifications via e-mail about site updates and news. Otherwise check back whenver you like.

Below are some photos from our 20th class reunion. If you want to see more, click HERE.


Pat Malone gettin' some love from Elke Strecker-Vickers and Kim Gold


Vonda Kay Harper while we were having our group picture taken. None of us would know how to do the Cha-Cha Slide without her (actually I still don't, but it wasn't for lack of an effort on Vonda's part).


Kim Goff-Schwartz, Jennifer Sugg-Watson, and Rob Grace at Josie's on Friday night.

For those who weren't able to make it, you were missed. We know schedules are busy--families to care for and lives to lead and all that. Theron Isaacs said Reekie Gardner has his own fishing show on television. And as Rob Grace mentioned, Greg Mitchell's career as an adult film star keeps him hopping*. But none of us are getting any younger (something you may want to keep in mind, Greg), so we hope you can make it to our next get together. We'll keep you posted about when that will be. If this past reunion was any indicator, we are only going to be more fun with age.

*Just to be clear, acting is not Greg's chosen profession. That was a joke. As far as any of us know, he is a law professor in Florida (wink).